Altricet Termiticide Kills Termites 100%

Termites can spread like wildfire and have a life-span of up to 20 years. They live in colonies that possess around 60k termites. If you have a termite problem, you need the best termite exterminator with extensive experience and expertise in rendering a treatment that works quickly, effectively and that supplies you the most protection for your property or home.

BugsRUs – Termite Control Toronto has extensive experience in termite treatments and only uses the best methods and products for termite control. We proudly use one of the most-acclaimed termiticides used by pest management professionals- Altriset.

What is Altriset Termiticide?

Altriset is a new innovation in Termiticide technology that is specially formulated with an active ingredient derived from the bark of Ryania Speciosa, a plant that grows in South America. The discovery of this compound was groundbreaking as Ryania Speciosa is more powerful than any other termiticide on the market.

It also works differently than other pesticides for termites, because it only requires a very low dose to provide termite control and to extend protection against further infestation. It can be applied to pillars, chimney bases, crevices of basements, crawlspaces, porches, patios, garages and walls.

Altriset stops further termite damage and supplies full control of termites within 3 months of treatment. Studies have demonstrated that Altriset provides full protection for years and years after application.

Termite Bait Vs. Altriset Termiticide

Altriset is liquid based and is applied to affected areas of infestation by injection or spray. It begins working immediately as it paralyzes the parts of termites’ mouths in hours of contact. It is difficult for them to avoid contact with the termiticide and they then carry it and pass & share it with the other termites in the colony. Altriset works effectively to rid your termite problem within 3 months or less from treatment date.

Termite bait does not protect your home like the barrier-building Altriset. The system of baiting allows gaps of coverage to occur and also termites can easily avoid the bait. This could result in many months passing not being aware that the termites have not been controlled. Altriset provides you with the confidence that your home is protected and once again will be termite-free.

Why We Use Altriset

Here are just a few reasons why we choose to use Altriset as our #1 Termiticide:

Proven Track Record & Results: Studies and tests performed on termite infested homes using Altriset have shown that when exposed to a dose of Altriset the termites track it to their tunnels and bring it back to the other termites in their colony. It impacts the termites grooming and socializing behaviors resulting in a viral spread until the entire colony is negatively affected.

Environmentally Friendly: Another great pro to using Altriset is that it is safe and has low toxicity for the environment and poses no hazards to other animals and humans. A lower dose is needed to knock out your termite problem thus also making it safer in general.

Works Long-Term: Most other termite treatments do not work effectively within mere hours of treatment or continue to work to prevent future infestations for years to come.

BugsRus of Toronto uses Altriset and recommends it to most of our customers for many reasons including its safeness, effectiveness and efficiency to resolve a termite infestation and to give you added protection to prevent reinfestation months later.

Book an Inspection or Contact Us For Termite Treatment Today!

Posted on June 7, 2020 in Blog

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